Account Q&A

Account Q&A

Once purchased, how do I download my software?

An email gets dispatched to you once your purchase has been processed. This email contains account details which you can use to log in to our desktop publisher and to our commercial download area.

You can also use our web based version. Then there is no need to download any software onto your computer.

I am moving to a new workstation, but my zine license is saying trial. Why is that?

You should be able to just log in as normally, but you need to make sure you're not logged in on both workstations at the same time. Also, double check that you are using your given access code and email address when logging in.

How many publications can I upload to FlowPaper Cloud?

If you use FlowPaper could to host your digital flipbooks, there is a cap on how many active publications you can upload. They are:

  • Zine - 50 active publications
  • Elements - 75 active publications
  • Enterprise - 500 active publications
  • Self-hosting - unlimited publications

If you have reached your limit, you can buy more space for a small fee on your account page.

Is it possible to include FlowPaper in a javascript cross platform desktop app?

Yes it is - this requires a Enterprise license account. Contact us at [email protected] for more on this