Video tutorial - how to protect your PDF files online

17 September 2024

This week’s highlighed video tutorial comes from Alexandra Monica Cote which is reviewing the best options in how to protect your PDF files from being downloaded

In this tutorial, Alexandra will guide you through the steps on how to:

  • Password protect a PDF file when you are sharing it online
  • How to protect the PDF file from being embedded on other web sites than yours
  • Adding lead capture forms to your PDF files so you can collect information about your readers
  • Enabling and disabling the copy, print and download functionality of your PDF

Protecting your documents when publishing them online can be tricky- this tutorial is a great starting point when reviewing the options you have with FlowPaper

Video - turn on the heat with analytics for your PDF flipbooks

11 September 2024

With this video by Michelle Schneider- you’ll get some an insiders look into your PDF readers’ behavior with interactive heatmaps.

In this tutorial, Michelle will show you how to:

  • How to publish a flipbook and turn on heatmap analytics
  • Where to access basic analytics such as page views, link clicks
  • How to interpret your collected heatmap data

Heatmaps can provide great insights into how your readers use your PDF publications

How to best embed PDF files on a website

11 August 2024

When it comes to embedding PDF files on a web page, there are different ways to skin a cat. Whether you're sharing an ebook, a whitepaper, or a brochure, embedding PDFs directly onto your site allows visitors to view the content without ever leaving your page. In this post, we’ll explore a few simple methods to help you get those PDFs seamlessly integrated into your website.

Traditional Embed

The old school way: iframes

Step 1: Upload Your PDF File

First things first, you need to upload your PDF file to your website's server. You can do this via your website’s content management system (CMS) or an FTP client. If you’re using a CMS like WordPress, navigate to the media library and upload the PDF file just like you would an image or video.

Step 2: Get the PDF URL

Once your PDF file is uploaded, locate the file in your media library or on your server. Copy the URL of the PDF file, as you’ll need this in the next step. This URL is the direct link to your PDF, and it’s what you’ll use to embed the file on your web page.

Step 3: Embed the PDF in Your Web Page

Now, it's time to embed the PDF into your web page. You can do this in a few different ways: Using HTML: The simplest way is to use an <iframe> tag. Here’s an example:
<iframe src="YOUR_PDF_URL" width="600" height="800" style="border:none;"></iframe>

So what are the positives and negatives about this approach?
  • No external libraries required

  • Con's:
  • Not responsive
  • Hard to customize
  • Not accessible
  • Hard to navigate in small embeds
  • No analytics
  • PDFJS Embed

    Embedding PDF files using PDF.JS

    If you're a bit more of a web developer, then PDF.js is could be a fantastic option. In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps to seamlessly embed PDFs into your website using PDF.js.

    Step 1: Download PDF.js

    To get started, you need to download the PDF.js library. Follow these steps:
  • Download the Library: Go to the PDF.js GitHub repository and download the latest release. Extract the files to a directory on your server.
  • Host the Library Files: Upload the pdf.js and pdf.worker.js files from the build directory to your server. You’ll reference these files in your HTML code.

  • Step 2: Create a HTML Container

    Next, you need to create a HTML container where the PDF will be rendered. Here’s a basic setup:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>PDF Viewer</title>
        <canvas id="pdf-canvas" style="border:1px solid black;"></canvas>
        <script src="path/to/pdf.js"></script>
        <script src="path/to/pdf.worker.js"></script>
    Replace "path/to/pdf.js" and "path/to/pdf.worker.js" with the actual paths to these files on your server.

    Step 3: Load and Render the PDF

    Now, it’s time to write the JavaScript code that will load and render your PDF file using PDF.js.
    Here’s how to do it:
        var url = 'YOUR_PDF_URL';
        // Asynchronously download the PDF
        pdfjsLib.getDocument(url).promise.then(function(pdf) {
            // Fetch the first page
            pdf.getPage(1).then(function(page) {
                var scale = 1.5;
                var viewport = page.getViewport({scale: scale});
                // Prepare canvas using PDF page dimensions
                var canvas = document.getElementById('pdf-canvas');
                var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
                canvas.height = viewport.height;
                canvas.width = viewport.width;
                // Render PDF page into canvas context
                var renderContext = {
                    canvasContext: context,
                    viewport: viewport
    Replace "YOUR_PDF_URL" with the URL of the PDF file you want to embed. The scale variable controls the zoom level of the PDF. And that's it! You should now be able to see the embedded PDF file on your web page.

    So what are some positives and negatives?
  • If you have some CSS skills then you can customize the look of the viewer

  • Con's:
  • Slow performance with big PDFs
  • Not easy to use on small devices
  • No analytics
  • FlowPaper embed

    Embedding PDF files using FlowPaper

    With a risk of stating the obvious, you can of course also embed your publications using FlowPaper. FlowPaper supports a range of embedding options including
  • On your own website
  • Using Wordpress
  • Using WIX
  • Embedding on Squarespace

  • FlowPaper is both responsive as well as customizable and provides a range of analytics including heatmaps which will allow you to track your visitors behaviour as they browse your publications.

    How to convert Indesign magazines to animated flipbooks

    7 August 2024

    Looking to elevate your digital publications? Over at Montilla Design, they have explored many PDF-to-flipbook platforms, but Flowpaper stands out in its ability to animate in order make your publications really pop.

    In this tutorial, they will show you how to:

    • Export your InDesign magazine layout as a PDF.
    • Convert it into an interactive flipbook using Flowpaper.
    • Animate text and objects.
    • Set up a photo gallery.
    • Create button interactions for videos.

    Discover how Flowpaper’s tools can bring your layouts to life. Check it out and take your digital content to the next level!

    FlowPaper 3.8.5 Release Notes

    1 August 2024

    3D flipbook video

    Boost Your Social Media with FlowPaper’s HD 3D Flipbook Clips

    Want to make your publications pop on social media? FlowPaper’s got you covered! We’ve introduced high-definition 3D clips that transform your flipbooks into eye-catching videos perfect for sharing. Here’s how FlowPaper helps you generate these shareable clips effortlessly:

    Easy Conversion

    Upload your PDF or flipbook to FlowPaper. Customize with animations and transitions. Convert to a high-definition 3D video clip after uploading your publication to FlowPaper cloud.

    High Definition Quality

    Version 3.8.5 ensures your 3D clips are crystal clear, maintaining the sharpness and professionalism of your original publication.

    Versatile Sharing

    Perfect for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more. Tailor your clips to fit any platform and captivate your audience everywhere.

    Track and Optimize

    With built-in analytics, see how your publications perform and optimize your strategy for better results.

    Ready to elevate your social media game? Start using FlowPaper and turn your flipbooks into stunning 3D video clips that everyone will want to share!

    Upcoming Features - Video Magic and Cloud Publishing Upgrades

    6 July 2024

    FlowPaper is about to drop some awesome new features that will make creating and sharing your Flipbooks even more exciting.

    Flipbooks to high definition Videos

    Reach More People: Videos get tons of engagement on social media. By turning your Flipbooks into videos, you can share your content with a broader audience and get more eyes on your work. Videos are a fun and dynamic way to present your content. Whether it’s a product catalog, a magazine, or a brochure, turning it into a video can really grab your audience’s attention. We are improving the ways you can generate promotional content to video clips so that you can spread your content to channels such as TikTok, Instagram, Linkedin.

    New Cloud API

    We’re working on launching a new cloud publishing API which will allow you to publish and manage large amounts of publications via an easy-to-use API. Features include being able to search accross multiple publications as well as automatic reading order detection. Let us know if you want to know when this API is launched and we’ll make sure you’re first in line!

    New YouTube content related to making flipbooks

    Quite a lot of new content is being seen on YouTube for FlowPaper such as the tutorial below which was posted by Alexandra. Hope you’ll enjoy it.

    FlowPaper 3.8.4 Release Notes

    11 March 2024

    Exciting news! Get ready for the upcoming release of FlowPaper version 3.8.4, set to launch imminently! Brace yourself for a next-level experience in publication realism, as we push the boundaries yet again. With a focus on replicating the tactile sensation of flipping through a real hardcover book. In the publication below you’ll see how the first page is visualized with a binder as well as a hard page turning animation, while the pages inside animate softly as you flip through the publication.

    Stay tuned for the unveiling of FlowPaper 3.8.4!

    FlowPaper 3.8.3 Release Notes

    16 February 2024

    Another exciting FlowPaper release! With the release this week, we’re fine tuning the desktop experience further by allowing the mouse wheel to pan in the publication. You can turn this on and off in the “Toolbar & Navigation” section of the desktop publisher depending on if you want mouse wheel to scroll or pan in the publication.

    With this version, we’re also making it easier to access color and style settings inside the desktop publisher.

    Have a go at our sample publication below. Enjoy!

    FlowPaper 3.8.2 Release Notes

    29 January 2024

    Zoom Navigator

    Exciting news! We’re thrilled to share that we’re rolling out another cool feature. We’re introducing a fantastic “zoom navigator” feature, showcased in the picture on the right. When you zoom into FlowPaper Flipbooks on your desktop PC, this handy tool will pop up, making it easier for you to navigate and read your publication.

    And that’s not all—there’s more to come! Keep an eye out for additional features throughout the year. The latest version will be ready for download in just a few days. If you’re eager to give the new “zoom navigator” a spin, simply click on the picture. Stay tuned for an enhanced experience!

    FlowPaper 3.8.1 Release Notes

    8 January 2024

    Flip book brochure

    A new year provides new opportunities and we start this year by pushing the boundaries around the FlowPaper experience. To further the realism in FlowPaper, we’ve improved the initial experience that your readers will get as they launch your publication. You can see an example of this by clicking on the example publication on the right.

    In FlowPaper version 3.8.1, we are providing a number of templates like the one on the right. We hope these new templates will let you improve the experience for your readers. Keep an eye out in the coming week for this release!